
Tweets by @lilithapp

Lilith is a logging and access event viewer for the Logback logging framework, log4j and java.util.logging.

It has features comparable to Chainsaw, a logging event viewer for log4j. This means that it can receive logging events from remote applications using Logback as their logging backend.

It uses files to buffer the received events locally, so it is possible to keep vast amounts of logging events at your fingertip while still being able to check only the ones you are really interested in by using filtering conditions.

Lilith V8.1.1 has been released on 2017-03-17!

Download it now at SourceForge.

Are you running Mac OS X 10.8 and Lilith won't start?
Read this!

I use this! Flattr this

View the presentation now...

Feel free to contact me at contact[at]

Yes, this page is ugly...

Starting with Lilith 0.9.39, all sulky and lilith artifacts are signed. All previous releases have been signed with the same key in the git repositories.

pub   4096R/740A1840 2010-03-25
      Key fingerprint = 3CEC E46C 577B 8BFE 85B6  5725 6334 E557 740A 1840
uid                  Joern Huxhorn <huxhorn [AT]>
uid                  Joern Huxhorn <huxhorn [AT]>
uid                  Joern Huxhorn <joern [AT]>
uid                  Joern Huxhorn <contact [AT]>
sub   4096R/C2D09CF4 2010-03-25


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